ROSCon 2024 The Lighthouse project: Onboard Positioning for Robotics
Robotics Developer Day 2024 ROS 2 with a Tiny Quadcopter Winner of the best speaker award
ROSCon 2023 Up, Up, and Away: Adventures in Aerial Robotics selected as Keynote speech together with Ramon Roche
ROSCon 2022 ROS 2 and the Crazyflie Aerial: swarms and Autonomy with a tiny flying robot
Tweakers Developer Summit 2021 Flying a swarm in your kitchen
- Dimmig, C. A., Silano, G., McGuire, K., Gabellieri, C., Hönig, W., Moore, J., & Kobilarov, M. (2024). Survey of Simulators for Aerial Robots: An Overview and In-Depth Systematic Comparisons. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine.
- McGuire, K. N., De Wagter, C., Tuyls, K., Kappen, H. J., & de Croon, G. C. (2019). Minimal navigation solution for a swarm of tiny flying robots to explore an unknown environment. Science Robotics, 4(35), eaaw9710.
- McGuire, K. N., de Croon, G. C., & Tuyls, K. (2019). A comparative study of bug algorithms for robot navigation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 121, 103261.
- Coppola, M., McGuire, K. N., Scheper, K. Y., & de Croon, G. C. (2018). On-board communication-based relative localization for collision avoidance in micro air vehicle teams. Autonomous robots, 42, 1787-1805.
- McGuire, K., De Croon, G., De Wagter, C., Tuyls, K., & Kappen, H. (2017). Efficient optical flow and stereo vision for velocity estimation and obstacle avoidance on an autonomous pocket drone. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2(2), 1070-1076.
Interviews and Podcasts
- Behind the Tech Nov 2024: Spending Time with the Crazyflie at Bitcraze's Headquarters in Malmö, Sweden
- Learn Robotics and AI July 2024: Become a Drone Robotics Engineer - Kimberly McGuire
- ROS Developer Podcast September 2023: ROS for Drones Podcast with Robotics Engineer Kimberly McGuire
- InfoQ Podcast August 2021: AI, ML and Data Engineering InfoQ Trends Report
- CodeKlets Podcast July 2021: Kimberly McGuire vertelt ons over autonome mini drones